Wednesday, 27 April 2011


I just LOVE the things people come out with at times, and something I  heard when I was a lot younger has always stuck in my mind. I was being given a lift with my friend by her parents, and as we turned a corner we saw a car turned completely upside down on its roof.

This was the conversation that took place up front.

The Dad.      "Look!"

The Mum.    "Do you think someone's done that?"

The Dad.      "I don't know... (thoughtful pause) ... Maybe."

Now, as I said, I was a lot younger at the time and very polite so I just kept quiet, but every part of me was screaming  "MAYBE?"

I can remember shaking my head, thinking, what other possible options could there be?

It was dead?

It got bored and 'flipped' itself?

Or just possibly... umm... umm... let me think.

Yes someone DID do it!

It still makes me smile.


Monkey Man said...

Maybe??!? How empty were those heads? Crazy.

Elizabeth Grimes said...

What a funny memory. Wonder what would have happened if you had spoken up. :)

Paul Andrew Russell said...

LOL Deborah. This made me laugh. :-)

I like this one too:

You walk into the house or any other building, soaking wet from the rain pouring down, and someone always says, "Is it raining?" lol

Susannah said...

:-) I remember you telling me about that. It was just in a 'normal parking spot' but upside down.

My guess is that it was sunbathing and wanted an even tan. lol

Christine said...

There is a website out there geared for the stupid things kids hear their parents say. My son reads me some winners now and again, I think he quoted me once too. Funny.

mamahasspoken said...

Just be glad it wasn't your parents car ;o)

Other Mary said...

heheh - people say the strangest things

Nilofer said...

That's really funny. Please do visit my blog and leave your footprints behind by posting comments:-

Raven said...

LOL that is too funny. It made me giggle. :D

Rashmi said...

"may be" have written that instance beautifully that even if your friend and her family read this will have a smile on their face.....

Me said...

Ha! What a great memory, those always make wonderful stories. :)

By the way, thank you very much for your very kind comment on my post today. I would have replied privately, but your email is not connected to your Blogger account...

Deborah said...

Thank you all for stopping by and your wonderful comments, they really made me smile :o) x

Jae Rose said...

We can miss the obvious at times can't we..maybe it's a British thing...makes you :) ..Jae

earlybird said...

Presumably he couldn't possibly admit she might be right and 'mayb' was the closest concession he could make!

jabblog said...

This made me laugh! Perhaps the parents were thinking that someone turned the car upside down for a joke.

Linda at To Behold The Beauty said...

We do say some stupid things sometimes, don't we? One time, I found a woman passed out on the floor of a restroom, and the first words out of my mouth were, "Are you all right?"

Reflections said...

Maybe!!!! Interesting how some things can be obvious and stir deep reactions... then others that you would think would.. don't.

Anonymous said...

That is hilarious. I love conversations like that, they crack me up for ages. Good one!

Deborah said...

Thank you everso much for your comments everyone x :o)

Nessa said...

That's funny. I like thinking the car did it on its own.

cj Schlottman said...


This is so funny! And one of the reasons it's so funny is that it is true. I live in Georgia, and our summers are swelteringly hot and humid. I just love it when I walk into a store, sweating, face red as a beet, and some fool asks, "Is it hot out there?"

Good read..........cj

Caleb said...

Reminds me of Bill Engvall's "here's yer sign!"

"I was pulled over with a flat tire and some guy stopped and goes 'hey- you gotta flat?' and I said 'naw, the other three just went and swelled up on me!"

And yes, everyone gets to vote.

tattytiara said...

Haha, you must have bitten your tongue hard enough to leave a dent!

Anonymous said...

You have a great sense of humor, and of course, you have a great memory too. :)

Deborah said...

Thank you everso much for stopping by everyone and for your comments x :o)

A Hootie Hoot said...

Oh, that's hilarious! Sometimes you wonder what's going on in someone's head to make them say the things they do. Thanks for the laugh!

Deborah said...

My pleasure :o) ... thanks for stopping by A Hootie Hoot x

Madeleine Begun Kane said...

Maybe? LOL! Some people just can't commit. :)

Deborah said...

:o) maybe, thanks for stopping by Madeleine x