Monday, 30 August 2010

Microfiction Monday # 47

at Stony River
where a picture paints 140 characters, or even fewer.

Here's this week's picture. . .

 He slowed his Porsche and lifted
   his sunglasses to look at the sign,
   "Only 8 miles to go and I'm home!"


MorningAJ said...

I think I've met a few people like him! Good words

Ellie Garratt said...

Isn't it the best feeling in the world, coming home after a long trip? Nicely done story.

Have a lovely week x

Dr. Chandana Shekar said...

That's the best feeling ever!!! Very nice. I loved your take.. :) Everybody can relate to it..

Have a nice week.

Take care. Cheers :)

ninotaziz said...

I suppose everyone in Coolville lookss like him?

Susannah said...

He certainly sounds like a resident of Coolville! Nice writing. :-)

Sylvia K said...

What a great take on the pic of the day! And everyone in Coolville wears sun glasses! Enjoy your week!


Bubba said...

I think I'll avoid Coolville.

(Sounds like a fictional place, doesn't it?)

Suz said...

gee, his ego isn't too big is it?
good one

Nessa said...

There are so many people who think they could live there.

SouthLakesMom said...

Except for SLOWING the Porsche, this could be many people I've known through the years (being a lawyer one tends to run across this type a lot!)

hope said...

Which is why the rest of us live in the real world.

Unknown said...

So I have to have a Porsche to be cool? So that's whats missing!

Pat said...

Local boy makes good...Coolville to Porsche. Very clever take on this week's picture!

KB said...

The driver does sound soooo cool.

have a great week

My MM is here.

Anonymous said...

Of course! Where else would he live but there? Thanks for this one. Cheers!

Susan at Stony River said...

Sounds like Dude just drove right off the cover of a romance novel LOL Great stuff!