Monday, 30 August 2010

Faith - Sunday Scribblings

Written for Sunday Scribblings prompt 230 - Faith

She sat peacefully at the core
and smiled her own smile
as the storm raged about her
she had learned
she had learned it would pass
as weather did
and that she would remain
her soul unscathed
she was sure now
and her faith never wavered
for she knew
who she was.


short poems said...

Beautiful poem, very well deserved :)

Denise Moncrief said...

It is indeed a wonderful thing to have a good sense of self.

Jae Rose said...

What a strong poem - I am glad she knows who she is - perfectly put - and I could really identify with those toothbrush and jumper moments in your later post! Thanks for your vist..Jae

Deborah said...

Thank you everso much for dropping in and leaving a comment,
... and it's nice to know it's not just me with the toothbrush and jumper thing! :o)