Sunday 12 December 2010

Back On Line! ... I Saw Sunday - Week 13

A random assortment of things seen
this week for  I Saw Sunday

here are mine ...

HOORAY! ... I 'm back on line ... finally!

Well this has been an interesting couple of weeks. Our internet went potty which resulted in everyone in the house growing more and more tense, main reason being, according to the provider, the trouble was at our end, and news like that to a house full of technical idiots is not good! At one point my lovely partner, in a rush of totally unfounded confidence, took out every connection from every socket in a brave attempt to solve the situation ... then I saw this look come over his face. His eyes widened as he stood motionless and silent, staring at all the ends of the wires with not the faintest idea of how or where to put them back again. It was not a happy moment, but on the positive side we're back on line again, and we've all agreed never to mention this dark time again ... :o)

As for I saw, well ...

The weather has been freezing but absolutely beautiful. On one of our walks to Delapre Abbey I drove down the avenue and the trees ahead were completely white from trunk to tip and sparkling in the sunlight, it actually prompted an involuntary squeal of delight. I couldn't help thinking that if I saw a jolly fat man dressed in red waiting for me at the end, I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised ... it was just magical.


As my partner and I were sitting in the car together a bus load of children pulled up a little way ahead of us. I was busy looking out of the window in the other direction when I felt him prodding my arm. I turned to see him with his brow all furrowed up whilst pointing out of the other window, he then asked in a very puzzled tone ...
" is he very big, or is he very small?"
... coming toward us was a man teacher who must have been about 5ft at best escorting an enormous child who must have been about 5ft 10".  I burst out laughing.
It wasn't just that it was visually funny, it was my partners genuine confusion at the sight that had me in complete hysterics.


Another result of the cold weather is that I've seen so many lovely dogs with their coats on. It does make me smile to see them. Grace looks smashing in hers and is more than happy to have her little red quilted one on.  She stand very still and serious till it's been all velcroed up, then wags her tail and looks all chuffed about it.

and lastly

I lost the car again! It's getting to be a regular thing with me now. I park up at the shopping centre, make a mental note as to where the car is, go into the shop ... then completely forget! Obviously I do always find it, but trailing around the car park with my trolley trying very hard to look purposeful and NOT as if I don't know where my car is, is really quite trying. I've put it down to hormones even though my sister assures me that I've always had the memory of a goldfish ... I'm thinking of tying a balloon to my arial.


Jae Rose said...

Tisk! You have a great way of bringing humour to a situation..glad you are back on line..would love to see Grace in that little jacket..thanks for visiting..happy spotting this week..Jae

Deborah said...

Thanks Jae, it's good to be back :o)

Rashmi said...

Very Happy to see you back..
Beautiful description of what you saw sunday..
You always bring a smile on my face when I read you..

Deborah said...

Thank you Rashmi :o)

Susannah said...

I loved reading about your week and love the description of dear Grace having her coat put on! :-)

SO glad to have you back online, I've missed you! x

Deborah said...

SO glad to be back, I've missed you too x

Elizabeth said...

Happy returns! Your description of your partner pulling out all the cords, and the resultant look on his face, hit very close to home for me. Was secretly expecting the same sort of thing. Was so pleased when it didn't happen. Love your sense of humor.


Deborah said...

Thank you Elizabeth x :o)