My darling dog Grace has a favourite treat called The Meaty Treat, a long, soft meat treat much like its name.
Being 15 now her eyes are not what they used to be, so when I give it to her I wiggle it, and seeing the movement she gets very excited
her head starts to bob up and down with it, her tail starts to wag and she gets all lively and ready to snap as I throw it.
Now the other evening when I was in the bedroom with her, my lovely partner came waltzing in from the bathroom in his birthday suit, and as he walked toward Grace, I saw her head doing the very same bob.
Then with a burst of excitement, her tail started wagging.
It dawned on me that she'd spotted the movement of his 'thing'... and thought it was her Meaty Treat!
I had to act quickly.
"Quick, quick... she thinks it's a Meaty Treat!" I shouted.
To which he bent double, hands clutching just as she snapped.
Needless to say, as the observer this was .... hysterical!
And of course, as a result, you know what his 'thing' is now being called!
LOL!!!!!!!!!!! That is HILARIOUS! That could have played out very different.... :)
Crazy funny!
LOL - Oh I absolutely LOVE this! Brilliant! I hope you gave her a real meaty treat afterwards! :-)
Thank you so much for stopping by everyone x :o)
and Su, yes we did! LOL
I am laughing so hard I can't type.......
Don't know which one to feel the most sorry for: your mate or your dog ;o)
That is soooo very funny!
Great post ... (WINCE) - very delicately delivered yet as funny as any blog I've ever read! GREAT! W.C.C. (aka. Meatless Soy Boy)
I don't know about you...such a funny post!
I can't type for laughing. HAHAHAHA. You better warn that man of yours to be careful with his meaty treat. You never know what might happen.... So funny. LOL.
Thank you all everso much for stopping by and your great comments x :o)
Grace, kibbles and bits, and a naked waltz all make for a very funny story.
Thanks Al :o) x
Oh, my Lord, you made me laugh out loud this morning! That's toooo funny!!!
Good eye, Deb!
That is hilarious!
Thanks Janie and Goddess for your comments, and for stoppong by x :o)
Hi Deborah, thanks for visiting my blog, and man oh man, did you ever hit the nail on the head! "...the sense of responsibility is enormous when YOU are the one who sees an animal in need..."
That is OH SO TRUE!!!!
And your story here really is hysterically funny. ;-)
Hi Oz Girl, yes it is true!
..and thank you too for your visit x :o)
HAHAHAHAHA! Oh, you have me in stitches! And I'm so glad your partner isn't! Very apropro name too, lol.
Oh my gawd, that's F.U.N.N.Y.!!!!
Could have been a disaster.
BTW Twins have arrived, I have now doubled my grandchild count in a day! Woohoo... I'm a happy Nana.
Oh that's wonderful!
Hope his meaty treat recovers quickly!
You're too funny, Deborah! I never know whether to take you seriously or not! Nonetheless,in my lexicon, Meaty Treat has become the new name for a certain male appendage....I can definitley see it gaining world-wide polularity...LOL!!
omg...hillarious... poor partner :P
Thank you all so much for stopping by and your lovely comments x :o)
and Congratulations Shammickite!! x
:-) What a great story!!
Thank you Pearl :o) x
You made that up!
What a funny story !
Thanks for stopping by Friko and Gattina x :o)
and no Friko, it's true!
Ah man, just in the nick of time! Sooo funny though
Is that a new excuse btw? "The dog ate my meaty thing"
LOL ... thanks for stopping by That gentleman's lady x :o)
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